Approved Administrative Committee 67.23



1. This Policy defines the key control program of the Universityfor the guidance of faculties, schools and services. This program isthe responsibility of the Director of the Physical Resources Service.


2. The Assistant Director, Administrative Services, is appointedCentral Key Control Officer. He is responsible for the coordination ofall requests for door keys, cylinder modifications, lock combinations,and changes in keying systems. He must also ensure that the issuing ofmaster keys is strictly controlled and approved by Protection Services.

3. Deans and Directors of services are responsible for theallotment of keys and for any changes in the keying system in theirrespective areas. They will appoint a person in charge of key controlwithin the faculty, school or service (Key Control Officer).


4. The Architectural Trades Division of the Physical Resources Service is responsible:

  • a) for the cutting of keys
  • b) for alterations to existing lock combinations. The cost ofthis service will be recuperated from the operating budgets offaculties, schools and services concerned (see Policy No. 30).

5. The Physical Resources Service, in close coordination with the Director, Protection Services, is responsible for:

  • a) the preparation of keys and lock combinations on renovation projects;
  • b) the establishment of keying systems in all new buildings.


6. Any requests for door keys and/or work resulting in keycontrol changes must be referred to the Key Control Officer of thefaculty, school or service for approval and processing. The issue ofdoor keys shall be kept to a minimum in the interest of security andcontrol.

7. It is not permitted to transfer a door key from oneemployee to another without the authorization of the Key ControlOfficer of the faculty, school or service concerned.

8. Key Control Officers in faculties, schools or services areresponsible for the recovery of keys from employees who are beingtransferred to another position or who are terminating their employmentat the University.

9. Only designated Key Control Officers may request door keysor changes to existing keying systems by phoning the MaintenanceRequests Control Centre (4-2222) during normal working hours. A workorder number is assigned to each request.

10. Where a key request or change to a keying system would, inthe opinion of the Physical Resources Service or Protection Services,compromise security or hinder efficient operation if approved, therequest may be rejected. In the event that this should happen,Protection Services will advise the Key Control Officer of the reasonthereof and attempt to find a fair solution.

11. All University keys not required by a faculty, school or service must be returned to the Maintenance Requests Centre.


12. Newly cut keys are sent to Key Control Officers by INTRA mail in sealed envelopes.

13. However, keys for alarm systems and master keys must bepicked up in person at the Maintenance Requests Control Centre at 141Louis Pasteur.


14. For lost of stolen keys, a report must first be made toProtection Services. A report number is given to the Key ControlOfficer so that he may request new keys or changes to the existingsystem by contracting the Control Centre (4-2222).


15. Protection Services must approve key requests for alarm systems.


16. At any time, authorized persons should call the Protection Services (4-2442) to have doors unlocked.


17. a) Key Control Officers within each faculty, school andservice must keep a record of all persons in their respective sector towhom keys have been issued.

b) The Physical Resources Service is responsible formaintaining records of keys listed by Key Control Officer, bydepartment, faculty or service.

c) Protection Services must maintain a record of keys issued for alarm systems.


18. When a building is to be temporarily or permanently vacatedbecause of faculty, school or service relocation, repair of firedamage, major renovations, or demolition, the Space

2. Le directeur

Allocation Officer,on being informed, shall request the Physical Resources Service tosecure all access doors and windows of the building.

19. Keys to vacant premises shall be released by ProtectionServices only to persons authorized to receive them. When in doubt,refer to the Space Allocation Officer, Institutional Research andPlanning.


20. No exception may be made to this Policy without the consent in writing of the Vice-rector, Resources.

Revised March 2, 1994

(Physical Resources Service)