Audrey Giles
Audrey Giles
Full Professor
Supervisory privileges in Human Kinetics, Feminist and Gender Studies, and Population Health

2005, Ph.D., Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta
2001, B.A, Psychology, Queen's University
2001, BPHE, Queen's University

MNT 334
613 562-5800 x 2988


Professor Giles is an applied cultural anthropologist who conducts research with Indigenous communities, primarily in the Arctic and sub-Arctic.  Her research focuses on three main areas: i) injury prevention (particularly drowning prevention in the Canadian North); ii) health promotion (particularly Indigenous people’s engagement in physical activity, with particular emphasis on gender and cultural adaptation of resources); iii) sport for development and sport for reconciliation with Indigenous communities. 

Professor Giles is proud to have been the principal investigator of four SSHRC grants (two standard research grants and two Insight grants) and has been co-investigator on three other SSHRC grants (a standard research grant, two Insight Development grants). She has also received funding from CIHR, the Public Health Agency of Canada (with the Canadian Red Cross), Transport Canada (with the NWT Recreation and Parks Association), Health Canada (with the municipality of Pangnirtung, Nunavut). She has completed contracts with the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, Cancer Care Ontario, and PHE Canada. 

She has authored over 100 journal articles and over 20 book chapters. Her edited book (with Janice Forsyth), Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues, was the co-recipient of the Best Edited Collection Award from the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Professor Giles’ past and current undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, all members of “Team Giles,” are simply superstars! They have won many prestigious awards and scholarships, including some of the biggest in Canada.

Professor Giles is accepting new students for thesis supervision.

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Research interests

  • Socio-cultural aspects of sport and leisure
  • Community-based research
  • Sport for development
  • Sport for reconciliation
  • Northern studies
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Water and boating safety

Ongoing research

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant (2015)
    “Natural resource development, privatized aid, and sport for development: A comparison of Canada and Australia” (PI: Audrey Giles; Co-I: Lyndsay Hayhurst; Collaborators: Steven Rynne and Anthony Rossi)
    Amount Awarded: $211,146
  • Dept. of Transportation’s Boating Safety Contribution Program Grant (2014)
    “Understanding and Addressing Males’ Boating Safety Practices in the Northwest Territories” (PIs: Audrey Giles and Geoffrey Ray)
    Amount Awarded: $84,697


  • Ollier, M., Giles, A. R., Etter, M., Ruttan, J., Elanik, N., Goose, R., & Ipana, E. (in press). The Elements necessary for success and benefits of participation in camps of an on-the-land program in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Inuit Studies.
  • Roberts, C., Darroch, F. E., Giles, A. R., & van Bruggen, R. (in press). Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C-OVID-19: Adaptations for fly-in and fly-out mental health providers during COVID-19. International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
  • Bauer, M. E. E., Giles, A. R., & Brussoni, M. (2021). “I’ve seen what evil men do”: Military mothering and children’s outdoor risky play. Leisure Sciences.
  • Bauer, M. E. E., Brussoni, M., & Giles, A R. (2021). Rural mothers’ perspectives on keeping their children safe during outdoor play: “It’s hard to raise a child in a small community”. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.
  • Contini, N., Giles, A. R., Giesbrecht, G., & Raddi, T. (2021). The adaptation of the Beyond Cold Water Bootcamp Course for Inuvialuit communities in Northwest Territories, Canada. Submitt International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
  • Rajwani, Y., Giles, A. R., Forde, S. (2021). Canadian National Sport Organizations’ responses to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Calls to Action and settler silence. Submitted to Sociology of Sport Journal. 
  • Quinton, J., Giles, A. R., Rich. K. (2021). Missing masculinities: The need for gender transformative approaches in water safety promotion for men. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
  • Giles, A. R., & Oncescu, J. (2021). Single women’s leisure during the coronavirus pandemic. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 204-210.
  • Millington, R., Hayhurst, L., Giles, A.R., & Rynne, S. (2020). ‘Back in the day, you just opened your mine and on you went’: Extractives industry perspectives on sport for development in Indigenous communities in Canada."" Journal of Sport Management, 34(6), 521-532.
  • Ollier, M., Giles, A. R., Etter, M., Ruttan, J., Elanik, N., Goose, R., & Ipana, E. (2020). Promoting  a culturally safe evaluation of an on-the-land wellness program in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Arctic, 73(3), 312-325.
  • van Luijk, N., Giles, A.R., Millington, R., & Hayhurst, L. (2021). The extractives industry: (un)likely and (un)welcome partners in regenerating Indigenous cultures in Canada? Annals of Leisure Research, 24(1), 72-91.
  • van Luijk, N., Giles, A., Frigault, J., Millington, R., & Hayhurst, L. (2020). ‘It's like, we are thankful. But in the other way…they are just killing us too’: Community members’ perspectives of the extractives industry’s funding of recreational and cultural programmes in a small northern Alberta community.  Leisure/Loisir.
  • Bauer, M. E. E., Giles, A. R., Marianayagam, J., & Toth, K. (2020). Kids Don’t Float… and their parents don’t either: Using a family-centered approach in Alaska’s Kids Don’t Float program. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 12(9).  
  • Bauer, M. E. E., Brussoni, M., & Giles, A. R. (2020). Categorizing mothers’ and fathers’ conceptualizations of children’s serious play-related injuries: “You won’t grow a finger back”. Child: Care, Health and Development, 1-7. http://doi:10.1111/cch.12761 
  • Brooks-Cleator, L., Giles, A. R. (2020). A postcolonial discourse analysis of community stakeholders’ perspectives on supporting urban Indigenous older adults to age well in Ottawa, Canada. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 11, 1-22. doi:10.18584/iipj.2020.11.1.9443.
  • Bauer, M. E. E., & Giles, A. R. (2020). Where are all the gay fathers?: Reflections on recruiting gay fathers in leisure research as participants in leisure research. Leisure Studies, 39(3), 454-462