The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is acutely aware of the role it plays both in the university and in the community at large.

Mathematics is at the center of the scientific and economic development of our society. The computer revolution that has changed our lives is largely due to our mathematical and statistical knowledge. Moreover, mathematics and statistics have recently been responsible for scientific progress in biology, ecology, meteorology, etc.

As teachers of mathematics, we have a responsibility to inform the population of the nature of our craft and the impact that it has had and continues to have on our lives. We have a crucial role to play in mathematics education, not only at the university but also in high schools and elementary schools. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics greatly values the teaching of mathematics; not only at the university level but also at the high school, elementary school and community levels. 

Through a number of outreach programs, we have provided information about mathematics and statistics (our programs, the career opportunities,...) to high school teachers, advisers and students. Our outreach programs aim at promoting mathematics, making it more accessible to the public at large, and demonstrating the importance of mathematics in our daily lives.

Also, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is pleased to partner with the Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing (TIMC) to enhance and enrich our outreach activities. The TIMC funding helps expand our Math Club, Summer Math Camp, the Math Poster competition and our mini-courses in Mathematics.