The research activities from the HRREC include the research programs of its members as well as projects resulting from partnerships in which the Centre contributes to the production of research findings and their dissemination.

Current research areas

Current Research Areas

Our mandate presumes an acceptance of the need to approach issues regarding human rights from a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective, both in order to respect such rights and to explore that which they require in a complex, interconnected world. To this end, the Centre places a particular emphasis on public policy and social justice.

HRREC is committed to a holistic, collaborative vision for improving human rights in Canada and abroad which is reflected in activities, outputs and opportunities (including skills development and employability for students and researchers alike) that bring together scholars, practitioners, community organizations and activists, as well as governmental and non-governmental actors in an effort to achieve equality-oriented change.  With this in mind, the Centre supports and encourages varied research initiatives led by its members and seeks to fill gaps in the study, protection and promotion of human rights across disciplines, sectors and geographic boundaries. While the Centre doesn’t have a geographic focus, amongst our members is an expertise in a number of regions, such as Africa and Latin America. Expected growth and the evolving nature of human rights thinking and practice will undoubtedly foster emergence of new areas of special interest and expertise within the Centre.

I) Diversity, Identity, Inclusion and Equality

Key research interests: Indigenous/Aboriginal Rights; Feminist and Gender Studies; Minorities; Arts and Human Rights; Migration; Language; Sexual Identity; Children’s Rights; Critical Race and Anti-Oppression Studies; Cultural Studies.

II) Conflict, Violence, (In)Security and War

Key research interests: Conflict; Peace; Transitional Justice; Human Rights and International Protection; International Humanitarian Law; Security Policies; Refugees; Approaches to and Remedies for Violence.

III) Governance, Rights, and Rule of Law

Key research interests: International Governance; Governance Actors; Approaches to Rights and Governance; Criminal Studies; Constitutionalism; Philosophy and Theories in Justice, Ethics and Human Rights; Law and Governance; International Criminal Law.

IV) Development, Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

Key research interests: Globalization and the Governance of Development; Economics, Finance and Development; Labour and Welfare; Environment; the Global Commons/Public Goods and Climate Change; Role of Corporations; Technology and Society.

Notable research projects & partnerships