Intellectual property is any form of knowledge or expression created with one’s intellect.


This includes inventions; computer software; trademarks; literary, artistic, musical or visual works; samples; devices; demonstrations; trade secrets; technical information; computer systems; financial data; business plans; personal information; research results;  and other data in either oral or written form.

Inventions of commercial use and value can be protected by patent, registered industrial design, trademark or copyright (definitions below). As per University policy, inventions that could be commercialized should be reported to us. Disclosure of your invention can be made confidentially and doesn’t affect your ability to patent.

Considering your intellectual property protection options should be one of the first steps in the commercialization of your technology. We will help you choose the option most suitable for your discovery. Consult us as early as possible.

You can email us or complete an Invention Disclosure Form (docx, 145 Kb – Login required).

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office has more information on intellectual property rights.
